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Asked Questions

Dentist Office
  • How Do I Help Prevent My Child's Teeth From Decay ?
    Four things are necessary for cavities to form (1) A tooth, (2) Bacteria, (3) Sugar or other carbohydrates (4) Time. We can share with you how to make your teeth strong, keep bacteria from organizing into harmful colonies,develop healthy eating habits and understanding the role time plays. Remember dental decay is an infection of the tooth. Visiting us early can help avoid unnecessary cavities and dental treatment.
  • How Important Are Primary Teeth?
    It is very important that primary teeth are kept in place until they are lost naturally. These teeth serve a number of critical functions. Primary teeth: *Maintain good nutrition by permitting your child to chew properly . *Also involved in speech development. *Help the Permanent teeth by saving space for them. *A healthy smile can help children feel good about the way they look to others.
  • At What Age Do Your Recommend Pediatric Dental Care & What Does It Entail ?
    Getting an early start in regular dental care is an important step on the road to teaching your child healthy lifetime habits. So the first dental visit should occur shortly after the first tooth erupts and no later than the child`s first birthday. *A program of preventive home care including brushing, flossing, diet and the importance of fluoride. *A caries risk assessment *Information about Early Childhood Caries, which may be due to inappropriate nursing habits or inappropriate use of sippy cups *The latest facts about finger, thumb and pacifier habits *What you need to know about preventing injuries to the mouth and teeth
  • Should My Adolescent Child See A Pediatric Dentist ?
    Adolescents have special needs. Appearance and self-image are very important to them. Decayed or poorly positioned teeth or jaws might make them more self-conscious. Teens also eat frequently and unhealthy. We provide a professional, sensitive and caring approach to restoring and guiding teeth , and teaching preventive dental health care through the teen’s years. When necessary we will provide information on selants, oral piercing , wisdom teeth, missing teeth and tobacco use.
  • What If My Child Has Special Needs ?
    An integral part of our education is concerned with the medical and dental health of the special patient. People with significant medical, physical or mental disabilities often present challenges to dentists. Our training allows us to address their special needs and provide the best care possible.
  • What Is The Best Approach ?
    Good oral health is an important part of total health. When helping children we often work with paediatricians, other physicians and dental specialists. All young people are best served through this team approach.
  • Why Visit a Paediatric Dentist ?
    Much like a paediatrician, a paediatric dentist is carefully trained in all aspects of growth and development. This knowledge gives the specialist an awareness of the specific dental and emotional needs of growing children. The entire focus is on your children; relating to them, fostering good dental health habits and instilling a healthy and positive attitude toward dental visits.
  • What's The Distinction Between A Paediatric and A General Dentist ?
    To begin with, a Paediatric dentist goes to school for an additional 2 years learning psychiatric techniques to calm the anxious child, specific anatomy of baby teeth (greatly different from adult teeth) and achieves certifications in the use of nitrous oxide, conscious sedation and general anaesthesia as a toolkit to provide dental services to children. These details give the paediatric dentist an advantage in treating the anxious child and building confidence in their dental health. Paediatric dentists are specifically trained to handle paediatric dental emergencies, therefore, dental trauma in children is usually referred to a paediatric dentist by a general dentist. Finally, most Paediatric dental offices are set up to specifically cater to children. Games and prizes are common protocol to insure a positive, fun visit.
  • Do I Stay with My Child During the Visit?
    We invite you to stay with your child during all appointments. Many paediatric dental practices suggest that parents wait in the reception area while their child is being seen. Our philosophy is quite the contrary. We believe that helping parents raise healthy smiles is a partnership between you and your children and our dental team. Communication to both parent and child about their total oral health is the key to averting future complications and building great dental habits for life. For this reason we love the opportunity of talking with you and your children together at their appointments.
  • How are Appointments Scheduled?
    The office attempts to schedule appointments at your convenience and when time is available. Preschool children should be seen in the morning because they are fresher and we can work more slowly with the child for their comfort. School children with a lot of work to be done should be seen in the morning for the same reason. Dental appointments are an excused absence. Missing school can be kept to a minimum when regular dental care is continued. Since appointed times are reserved exclusively for each patient we ask that you please notify our office 48 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment time if you are unable to keep your appointment. Another patient who needs our care could be scheduled if we have sufficient time to notify them. We realize that unexpected things can happen, but we ask for your assistance in this regard.
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